Nintendo Wii

I bet you are out looking for one! This system is so hard to find, that parents and grandparents are willing to spend the night out in the cold just to see if they can get one at their local Target, Wal-Mart, etc. The best thing to do is just go to a local game store on a weekday, preferably in the morning, and by some chance, be able to get one that way. Parents and grandparents, you should be nice to the people who work there, because you are not the only ones asking the same questions. The salesperson may have already heard what you are asking for about a 100 times already that day. By no means is it the salespersons' fault that they do not have any Wii's to sell, it is all done through their corporate office who handle all transactions with Nintendo of America.
I know that you want your kids and grandkids to get the Nintendo Wii Game Console for Christmas, just remember that this is a time of peace, joy, and happiness. So just keep that in mind when you are going out to do your "Wii" hunting.

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